
ELEMENTARY SCHOOL (5yrs – 11yrs)

Pinkfileds Academy’s goal is to provide each pupil with a challenging and broad experience. We believe that children learn most effectively through classroom engagement, play, social interactions and injury experiences.


Using the British and Nigerian curricula, our certified teachers expand on the core literacy and numeracy knowledge and teach our pupils how to use the knowledge to solve problems as well as specific skills and knowledge base through general subjects which include: Social Studies, Computing, History, Geography, Music, Creative Art, Information Technology, Physical Education, French. While the Clubs include Taekwondo, Ballet and Swimming.


We also expose the children to the use of Information Communication Technology, in order to equip them with hands-on experience on the latest technology and also ensure that this modern technology is woven into all areas of the curriculum, hence all classrooms are equipped with up to date interactive boards to foster this deployment.



Aside from academics, we guide our students towards attaining self-discipline and personal organisation, thereby raising the level of behavioural expectations, and guiding them on how to be responsible. We also guide and encourage positive behaviour among peers and promote collaboration through group activities.

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